Fresh from this year’s PeaceCon@10 event, session video is now available for: Faith-Sensitive Design, Monitoring & Evaluation: How Does it Work in Practice?
A growing interaction between faith-inspired and secular peace practitioners has led to a new concept: ‘faith-sensitive design, monitoring and evaluation’ (DME). The core proposition of faith sensitivity is that mainstream DME approaches are not necessarily relevant, useful or respectful to faith-inspired actors, so it can be helpful to adapt and contextualize those approaches. The concept has been influential, with both secular and faith-based organizations seeking to apply it in various ways. At the same time, there are some legitimately skeptical views, and nobody really knows the current state of play in faith sensitivity uptake.
This session convened a lively check-in with diverse key experts to explore how faith sensitivity is working out in practice. We talked about their own experiences in adapting DME for use by faith-inspired actors. What worked, and what didn’t? In what ways did faith sensitivity bring new dimensions into your own evaluative thinking? Do you have any ideas for strengthening the approach – or even preferred alternatives for doing things differently? Any advice for fellow practitioners? There was a good discussion among session participants, and a treasure trove of resources and toolkits to share.
With deep gratitude to our speakers:
- Michelle Garred, Founder and Principal, Ripple Peace Research & Consulting LLC
- Chandra Whetstine, Vice President of Programs and Operations, The One America Movement
- Katherine O’Lone, Research Fellow, Woolf Institute
- Malik Alkhawaja, Regional Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer for the Middle East and North Africa, Search for Common Ground
- Shamsia Ramadhan, Peacebuilding Practitioner
- Jennifer Eggert, Senior Research Fellow, Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities