

Curious about what we do? Take a deeper look.

Learn more about selected projects, from program design and evaluation to practical research.

Projects: Program Evaluation

Five-year portfolio-level performance evaluation and value-for-money audit focused on holistic approaches to advancing pluralism in Canada and around the world (with the Global Centre for Pluralism and Ripple teammates Katie ButlerPatrice Brodeur PhD and Malaka Refai).

Canada & Global

Training and coaching in Outcome Harvesting + Attitude Change for evaluation of project on stopping polarization in American religious communities in Portland, OR, USA (with the International Center for Religion & Diplomacy).


Evaluation of asylum-seeker assistance projects in Portland, OR and Seattle, WA, USA (with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).


Outcome Harvesting evaluations on interreligious peacebuilding in Northern Iraq and Egypt, gender-based violence and masculinities in Burundi, leading to development of Outcome Harvesting + Attitude Change. Skills training and coaching for Tearfund staff (with Tearfund and Ripple teammate Malaka Refai).

Iraq, Egypt, Burundi

Portfolio-level evaluation of the Swiss Culture and Religion in Mediation (CARIM) Program 2011-2020, using Outcome Harvesting + Attitude Change (with Switzerland’s Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and Ripple teammates Michèle FerenzSarah Davies and Hur Hassnain).

Switzerland & Global

Monitoring, evaluation and learning system development plus skills training, featuring Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting, for the Gender, Peace and Security Team within the United Kingdom’s Conflict, Stability & Security Fund (under Saferworld).

United Kingdom

Two summative multi-country evaluations of flagship interreligious peacebuilding initiatives, with cross-cutting themes including gender and youth, and learnings to inform next-phase global strategy development (with Catholic Relief Services).

Niger, Kenya

Critical friend mid-project and Outcome Harvesting + Attitude Change final evaluation of Southeast Asia: Advancing Inter-Religious Dialogue and Freedom of Religion or Belief (with the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers and Ripple teammate Malaka Refai).

Southeast Asia

Outcome Harvesting evaluations on multi-site Christian-Muslim peacebuilding in the USA, including refugee engagement and human rights advocacy. Accompaniment for development of monitoring and evaluation system (with Peace Catalyst International, internal).


Pilot-phase monitoring and evaluation advisor for the Women of Faith Leadership Fellowship to advance gender equality within African faith networks and global development (with the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities).

USA & Africa

Outcome Harvesting: Justice, power and looking backward

In this post, Michelle Garred and Matteah Spencer Reppart suggest that Outcome Harvesting has the potential to disrupt culturally Western assumptions in program evaluation through the use of retrospective logic. Outcome Harvesting (OH) is unique among evaluation approaches because it looks backward in time to identify outcomes, rather than [...]

August 22, 2022|Culture, Development, Evaluation, Race and Ethnicity|

Projects: Program Design

Participatory action research adaptation of the Do No Harm conflict sensitivity planning tool for faith-inspired actors, with training in the USA, El Salvador, the Philippines and Singapore.

USA, El Salvador, the Philippines and Singapore.

Theory of change development on empowering diverse children in neighborhoods experiencing adversity in San Francisco, USA (with Weekend-Adventures, pro bono).


Participatory systems mapping for human rights strategy in México and Colombia (with the Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation) Peace advocacy strategy in East Africa (with the Life & Peace Institute). Conflict-responsive development aid in Honduras (with World Vision).

Colombia, México, East Africa, Honduras

Conflict and gender sensitivity mainstreaming support to multi-partner, 11-sector Lebanon Crisis Response Plan assisting displaced Syrians, Lebanese host communities and Palestinian refugees (with the United Nations Development Program and House of Peace).


New research: Conflict sensitivity for interfaith action

Michelle Garred, PhD, and Johonna McCants-Turner, PhD, recently teamed up to produce two exciting new resources: Far Beyond a Tool: Do No Harm as Spiritual (Trans)Formation for Interfaith Cooperation and Action. This article appears the journal Development in Practice (1 Aug. 2022). ‘Do No Harm’ Brief for Faith Leaders in Community Action. This is a quick-and-dirty [...]

November 18, 2023|Evaluation, Faith, Inter-faith, Strategy|

Projects: Practical Research

Research-based advisory on opportunities, risks and risk mitigation for faith-based organizations considering initiatives that aim to prevent violent extremism in the USA and globally (with multiple partners).


Synthesis report and consultancy team leadership for case study series on intercultural and interreligious dialog and collaboration in Nigeria, Myanmar, the Middle East and Europe (with KAICIID Dialogue Centre).

Nigeria, Myanmar, the Middle East, Europe

Case study on success factors in collective impact through peace advocacy networks (with Mindanao Peaceweavers and CDA Collaborative Learning Projects).

The Philippines

Outcomes-based research on the contribution of civil society advocacy to strengthen the social contract in six highly fragile, conflict-affected contexts, including foci on Women, Peace & Security, gender-based violence and extractive industries in South Sudan (with Cordaid).

South Sudan


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